Wednesday 4 July 2007

Random Guy Who Asked For My Advice

So I Got off work round about 5 O'Clock and took the bingam lane route to my place to see what was happenin downtown. While walkin down there I came across this guy pacing nervously outside the tavern bar. As I came closer he began to approach me. The way he actually got my attention for some reason reminded me of the methods cons use in London stations when theyre fully like [Insert overly rehearsed,bullshit story here] Can I "borrow" your credit card. and I initially believed it was gona be something similar, however i got something completely different...

"Yeah umm...can I ask you something?" He said with a mild belfast accent


"Well ya see...ive just turned 18 and well...ive been looking for a job recently...and I jus came across this shop..."

He pointed to the place opposite the tavern...the sex shop...I had been in it a few times for a laugh...they sell the usual fetish banter - A few items I remember amused the fuck outta me e.g. bath plugs with dildos attached..outside however had a staff wanted notice...flexible hours...

"so man to man what do you think...should I apply?"

I gave a sorta surprised and amused sigh and stopped reaching for the loose change in my coat pocket.The way he asked me was genuine and quite serious. Not a hint of banter apart from the awkward smirk on his face. What a question. And what a person to ask. It was as if The future of this guys occupational endavours rested soley upon the me!!

"so man to man what do you think...should I apply?"

My Head: Why the fuck are you asking me shitbag! Get the fuck outta my face!
Me: *Contemplative Inhaling* ....Aii *nods head*

and with that he came to the conclusion that he should and he walked in....